Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just let me explain...

So this is my quite underdeveloped blog, it's obvious I'm a newbie.

I put a lot of thought into having my own blog, like what's the point?  It's not that I have anything against them, but I didn't quite understand why people would want to spend they're time exposing themselves. Yes, I know some people have "light" blogs with reciepes and DIY ideas, but don't expect that here. I came to the conclusion that having a blog gives us a voice.  It's crucial to me for people to feel comfortable to speak out, and in my observations I feel as though society has become mute.  Sure people vocalize how they feel about impoverishment and politics, but no one seems to speak from deep within; no one seems to expose their heart. SO that's what I realized a blog was for.  It's made so that people can write to the world about the relationship they have with themselves, and sometimes others. At least that's what I think.

Now let me explain my overly cliche cheesy blog title that is obviously something deep and I know you want to know why I chose it! (see that's the beauty of vague quotes).  Well it's from my favorite book in the Bible: Ecclesiastes.  See? cliche, I know.  But really, I think anyone who is a baby Christian like myself  should start off by reading this book a couple times.  It basically summarizes our effed up society, and how being a follower makes the simplest things beautiful.

Ecclesiastes 1:14 (NLT) - "I observed everything going on under the sun, and really it is all meaningless - like chasing the wind."

I LOVE this, because I feel like this every freaking day! I'm never satisfied with what life gives me, which is so selfish on my part, yet reasonable.  I would be extremely depressed if I didn't believe there was something more than this life. The Lord gives this meaningless life meaning, and while I type that out, I just want you to know that I'm not getting emotional or filled with butterflies about that. But I know it's true, I can't deny that, so that's why I'm basing my blog off of that phrase. 

Welcome to my voice, while it might seem unimportant to you, try to hear me out.