Sunday, March 10, 2013


WWJB- Where Would Jesus Be?

If Jesus was on earth in 2013, where would you find him?

I think we would find Jesus at the trailer park, having sweet tea with the poorest families.

I think he would be at Bonnaroo and Lollapalooza amongst a sea of high teenagers.

I see him at a dirty fraternity house with a bunch of drunk college students.

I see him in the church, invested in the word and absorbing the sermon.

I picture him at myrtle beach, laying next to the half naked girls.

I envision him being passionate about his father with a group of small group leaders.

Of course, Jesus can make an impact anywhere he goes, Lord knows we need it in modern day America. There are places that we tend to avoid as Christ followers, and I wonder why? Because I know Jesus would be anywhere.  Let other judge us for going to parties, because they don't know what we're doing there or why.  We could go with the sole intention to make connections in that world, for what good is it to expand our relationships only to those who already know the Lord?  We wouldn't be doing what he asked of us. There are people stuck in place in their life that they don't know how to get out of.  We can give them a hand, and pull them out of the muck...

When I think of Jesus, I think of that one person that I have underestimated because they aren't very attractive, or seem to have a lot to offer.  At first glance, he wouldn't stand out at all, but he was nice enough and could hold a fluid conversation.  He would say a strange metaphor to me, which I would go along with because hey- the kid's trying to be deep.  He would have a decent group of friends, but they would all be from the wrong crowd, definitely not the popular crowd.  I would hear stories about this guy being rude to the rich girls in the grade, and he would stand up to the bullies, but he was nice to me so I didn't mind him. But then I would go home and forget who he was. Little did I know that I was choosing to ignore God's son, just because I chose not to get to know him more. Jesus wasn't this majestic human being, he was rejected as a HUMAN, but those who knew who he was dedicated their lives to them.  Don't forget about those who don't stand out in a crowd, because they might have more Jesus in them than most.  It's our choice to get to know Jesus more, and while he will reach out to us, we can easily not reach back; in the end, it's our choice.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Why is it that we just sit here anticipating for the good to come in our lives?
It's like were all lined up waiting for our turn, our big break in life.  What if you don't even make it to the end of the line, and you've spent all this time waiting?  We try to make the most of this awkward moment in life... But what good does that do? Step out of line, run past all those sleepy souls and seek what you've been waiting for this whole time.
Leave this life happy and satisfied.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Why live if you're only helping yourself?

I have moments in my life where I grab on to this mentality that "I'm the only one that can make myself happy." These smug thoughts usually occur after I have personally accomplished something great, or when other people have disappointed me.

It is true that we can rely on ourselves for almost anything, but then what's the point of life? 

We are made to love and be loved by others, not to just love ourselves.  It's almost dangerous to love ourselves too much; that leads to selfishness.  There is no reason we should leave this world alone, because I am a firm believer that there is someone for everyone in the huge world of ours. 

An AWESOME example of this is celebrities, they are extremely successful, but very independent. Independence will get you far in the world, but it can also cause you to be alone, and no one wants that.

The reason I felt compelled to write this is because I can find myself very independent and self- entertaining, but what good am I making in the world? What good am I doing for myself?  I can spend the whole day satisfying myself but I fall asleep unloved and alone.  It scares me that I could enter the end of my life like this.

So I want to caution the "independent" to not become too proud of that characteristic.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Just let me explain...

So this is my quite underdeveloped blog, it's obvious I'm a newbie.

I put a lot of thought into having my own blog, like what's the point?  It's not that I have anything against them, but I didn't quite understand why people would want to spend they're time exposing themselves. Yes, I know some people have "light" blogs with reciepes and DIY ideas, but don't expect that here. I came to the conclusion that having a blog gives us a voice.  It's crucial to me for people to feel comfortable to speak out, and in my observations I feel as though society has become mute.  Sure people vocalize how they feel about impoverishment and politics, but no one seems to speak from deep within; no one seems to expose their heart. SO that's what I realized a blog was for.  It's made so that people can write to the world about the relationship they have with themselves, and sometimes others. At least that's what I think.

Now let me explain my overly cliche cheesy blog title that is obviously something deep and I know you want to know why I chose it! (see that's the beauty of vague quotes).  Well it's from my favorite book in the Bible: Ecclesiastes.  See? cliche, I know.  But really, I think anyone who is a baby Christian like myself  should start off by reading this book a couple times.  It basically summarizes our effed up society, and how being a follower makes the simplest things beautiful.

Ecclesiastes 1:14 (NLT) - "I observed everything going on under the sun, and really it is all meaningless - like chasing the wind."

I LOVE this, because I feel like this every freaking day! I'm never satisfied with what life gives me, which is so selfish on my part, yet reasonable.  I would be extremely depressed if I didn't believe there was something more than this life. The Lord gives this meaningless life meaning, and while I type that out, I just want you to know that I'm not getting emotional or filled with butterflies about that. But I know it's true, I can't deny that, so that's why I'm basing my blog off of that phrase. 

Welcome to my voice, while it might seem unimportant to you, try to hear me out.